Monday, February 15, 2010

Essay: The Harvest

“The Harvest”

Allow me to quote a famous verse from the Bible, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few”

Many people throughout history have come and gone, devoting their lives to find the meaning of it. Many did not find it, some went astray, and only a real few found what they were looking for. Those who did not find life’s meaning wasted their whole life’s time to come up with a conclusion, a theory, or even an equation to equal what they call life. Those who went astray concluded, by their bitter experiences, distorted and hilarious views of what life is. Concrete examples of these lost are the leaders and the members of secret societies persecuting the Christian faith, the Priory of Sion, Freemasonry and the Knights Templar. All of them sought for explanations, more “logical” and scientific”, for things already explained in the Bible. They distorted truths and presented forged “facts” to millions, causing many to fall with them. The few who found it were rewarded great in heaven eternal. They were the ones who founded the Christian churches, who led many to the truth by the grace of God Almighty.

But with all these people who sought for the truth, have you ever thought of finding it as well?

Through my own search and research for the purpose of living and the meaning of it, I have come up with a conclusion, which I am willing to even stake my life for, and that is fulfilling the task God has given us all.

For us, Christians, we are so blessed to have known and received Christ Jesus as our Lord and Savior early on. We have been nurtured in His Word and molded in His Commandments. We are sure where we are to go to after our lives on Earth, Heaven, but what about the other millions? Multitudes are lost in false teachings and poisoned beliefs. They are walking and living in utter darkness, falling and stumbling time and time again.

The task the Master has bestowed upon us is the mission of reaching out, pouring light into the drowning darkness of the world. We were made to do this.

‘Why?’ you ask? The Bible has stated three concrete reasons that rekindle the flame of faith and encourage us to do what we were created to do so…

FIRST: We were made in His own Image, His Purpose, and His Cause. His Will for our lives is to reach out and bring others to Him. He gave us such a blessed life with abundant provisions tom bless others and see them as how He did. He saw them as lost sheep without a shepherd to guide them and care for them. He is more than willing to love them and receive them as the father did to his prodigal son. As for the lost sheep from the hundred the shepherd had, he goes out, looks for it, and brings it back home.

SECOND: Reaching out to the lost is every Christian’s responsibility. We were to help others be redeemed, and we were introduced to God to introduce Him to thers.
THIRD: Reaching out to the lost is every Christian’s calling and desire. Every Christian is called to exert effort to help others know God, may he be a missionary, a missionary-sender, a pastor, or an intercessor, he was made to heed His call. Every Christian has his longing of fulfilling their desire of reaping and bearing fruits. Desire, in its Latin roots, means ‘of the Father’, signifying that godly desires come from God Himself, and who are we to disobey it?

God has called us to a mission of light and of hope. He has made us in fulfilling this call to reap his harvest. We now are faced with a battle, a war with two sides, one of the righteous, and one of the lost. We are now fighting for the redemption of lost souls and justifying the truth. We are the few workers faced with the land of a plentiful harvest. We set out each day with a goal, an objective, reaching out the lost and empowering the few in faith. So, set out! Put on the Breastplate of Righteousness, the Sword of Truth, and the Shield of Faith as we go out of our comfort zones and into live battle. We need not worry for God has promised us victory over persecution and unbelief, so go! Let us walk hand-in-hand as we head on to the fight, for:

“The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.”


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